Welcome to Skyla Arts!

Skyla Arts by Elizabeth Chang is serving the Bay Area and strives to provide makeup and photography that satisfies the client 100%!

For initial consultation and appointments, please email liz@skyla-arts.com or call 323-346-7599 between the hours of 9:00am-5:00pm.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Moving Moving Moving!

Skyla: "Can you take me instead of all that makeup? Please please? I'll help you make money with my cuteness!"
Liz: "Skyla! get outta there~~ ! I have to clean up again! And you hate going outside!"

As you might already know, we are moving from one side of the same city to the next this weekend! (TOMORROW!) And I haven't packed ONE THING. not one. 

I'm very optimistic about October though - I am slowly inching towards advancing in my career - It's been a very exciting September for me.  Even though I still have potential clients who then change their minds about things, I'm feeling better about it and not letting that get to me!  Yay for positive thinking!  :)

So I'll try to update with more substance next time! But in the mean time, please enjoy my cat Skyla being a naughty girl crawling into my makeup kit (my zuca bag!) while I was packing~! ugh gotta clean it after I empty her out! lol~ My friend phoebe was visiting briefly on Thursday as I was packing, Skyla crawled in again and Phoebe decided to zip the bag up and 10 minutes past Skyla didn't make a peep of noise! Which is super odd because this morning when I accidentally closed the door with her still inside the bedroom, she was digging on the door, pawing it and trying to open the door!


Tammy said...

awww so adorable!
hope the move goes smoothly^^

Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts) said...

thanks tammy! <3

Skyla is already moved in! She was screaming the whole way~ she saw her carriage and RAN - and when my hubby grabbed her, she scratched him HARD! and complained the whole time!

p chan said...

Hey Liz! It's been a long time since I left a comment on your blog :) been mad busy with school and work D: But still, I've been silently reading your posts!

All the best for your career!!! :D

Elizabeth Chang (Skyla Arts) said...

Hi Pchan~~~! nice to see you here~ :) and of course, thanks for reading/supporting amidst your busy school/work life!

I see piles and piles of junk...if anyone has any good organization tips please send them my way~! lol~

rebeca.cd said...

What a cute cat!
